
About Us

Mili Export takes pride in saying that we are one of the most renowned manufacturers, exporters and distributors of best quality plastic bags located in Vamaj, Mehsana, India. In addition, we also have wide array of products apart from plastic bags.

Our main area of supply are the wholesale buyers, distributors, supermarkets, discount stores, convenience stores, dollar stores, liquor stores, restaurants and other stores etc. Our clients are valuable assets and our main focus is on client satisfaction. Also our main goal is to provide all our clients with optimum value by offering them sophisticated quality bags at most competitive prices.

At Mili Export, we do not compromise when it comes to quality. We ensure that all our products are made using best quality raw materials available in the market, we use modernize machinery with latest technology to build the final product. We assure that our staff follow most stringent quality control standards. This quality standards make us stand at a distinction from other manufacturers in the market today. We have carved a niche in providing 100% quality assurance to all our existing clients.


Start Unit

100MT per Months

Shifted to new Factory Production

300MT per Month

Target 1000MT Production


Mili Export takes pride in saying that we are one of the most renowned manufacturers, exporters and distributors of best quality plastic bags located in Vamaj, Mehsana, India. In addition, we also have wide array of products apart from plastic bags.


At Mili Export our main objective is to provide best quality products to all our clients whether big or small irrespective of their needs. We therefore guarantee outstanding customer service and ensure our product range will surely exceed your expectation. We never cheat with any of our clients and do timely delivery of products.